Everything you need to honor that special someone

Find the memorial or monument you need to honor the memory of lives well-lived and deeds well-done.

funerals | Franklin, NY | Edward Sickler Memorials  | 607-829-2687

Give your loved one that special memorial

Find the perfect memorial, monument or mausoleum to honor your passed loved one.

Contact Name:
Brian Sickler


13171 State Hwy 357

Franklin,  NY   13775

Directions Email Us



800-831-7779 (Toll Free)

Find a memorial that will stand the test of time

No matter your style or budget, we have the appropriate memorial to honor your loved one. We even provide memorial cleaning services for your convenience.

Call today to speak to our specialists.

memorials | Franklin, NY | Edward Sickler Memorials  | 607-829-2687

Call today to find the appropriate memorial for your loved one.

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